The Farragut Ladies Lacrosse Club thrives on support from the local community.  This support is important to bringing ladies lacrosse to our area and allow our girls an opportunity to compete.  There are many ways you can help out.


Kroger Community Rewards:

This program allows those that shop at Kroger Grocery Stores an opportunity to help out FLLC. By simply signing up and linking your account to FLLC Kroger will donate to FLLC every time you shop.

Go to
If you already have an online account with Kroger simply sign in

o Touch “Community Rewards” on the left menu bar

o Find “Farragut Ladies Lacrosse Club” and attach to your card

If you have a Kroger Card but have never logged on to their website you will
need to create an online sign in first and then go to the “Community Rewards”



Amazon Smile:

Amazon Smile is another program that greatly benefits the organization.

How it works:
1. Open the Amazon app on your phone
2. Select the main menu (=) & tap on "AmazonSmile" within Programs & Features
3. Select "Farragut Ladies Lacrosse Club" as your charity
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to activate AmazonSmile in the mobile app
If you make purchases on your phone app it will automatically generate a donation to
the club.

If you are making a purchase on Amazon’s website – you must use the website
“” – NOT “” in order for the club to receive donation even
after you link your account to “Farragut Ladies Lacrosse Club”



Finally for those businesses who would like to support ladies lacrosse in our area we have various sponsorship opportunities with included perks.  Please contact us HERE and let us know your interest in sponsorship so our team can coordinate further.